5 Tips to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits

Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits in Children: 5 Tips from Woodburn Pediatric Clinic

If you’re like many parents who find it challenging to teach healthy eating habits to their children and combat the rising concern of childhood obesity, you’re not alone. At Woodburn Pediatric Clinic, we understand these challenges, and we’re here to provide you with valuable insights and tips to guide your children toward a lifetime of health. In this blog, we’ll share our top 5 recommendations for promoting healthy eating habits and preventing childhood obesity.

1. Nutrition For Kids

Good nutrition is critically important to a child’s growth and development. Encouraging good nutrition can help children grow and thrive. Start by making sure your child gets a nutritious breakfast every morning. A balanced meal jump-starts their day and boosts focus during school. Choose whole milk and fresh fruits, portable yogurts, granola bars, whole-grain toast with peanut butter, or eggs with an English muffin. These choices provide the nutrients needed to support your child’s well-being.

2. Model Good Behavior

Children learn by example, especially when it comes to healthy eating habits. Make mealtimes a family affair where you follow nutritious eating. Include foods from the five main food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and protein. Emphasize that fats, salt, and sugar should be eaten in smaller amounts. Dining together as a family helps teach proper portion sizes and the importance of taking time to feel full after a meal.

3. Healthy Snack Ideas

Snacking doesn’t have to mean eating junk food. Pre-plan healthy snacks by stocking up on options like granola, low-fat lunch meats for sandwiches, fresh fruits, and vegetables that are easy to grab when hunger strikes. Encourage your kids to choose from yogurt, cottage cheese, baked vegetable chips, hard-boiled eggs, and fat-free popcorn. These alternatives are both delicious and nutritious, making them a smart choice for snack time.

4. Prepare Your Own Meals

Take-out and restaurant meals are fast, easy, and delicious but they’re not very healthy. If you’re looking to improve the quality of meals you and your family eat, or to encourage weight loss for a better lifestyle, your best bet is to cook most of your own meals at home. You can create quick and tasty meals by baking chicken in the oven, steaming vegetables, and whipping up some quinoa or brown rice. A grill and crockpot are handy tools for simple and delicious meals made in a jiffy, and they’re widely available at local stores for great prices.

5. Healthy Drink Options

The problem of childhood obesity is growing. One effective way to combat it is by encouraging your child to choose water over sugary beverages like soda and fruit juices. These drinks often contain as many calories as a piece of cheesecake. Staying hydrated helps prevent overindulging in unhealthy snacks. If your child finds the taste of plain water boring, try sugar-free, low-sodium sparkling waters in fun flavors, or add lemons, limes, and berries.

Contact Us

At Woodburn Pediatric Clinic, we’re dedicated to helping your child lead a healthy and successful life. Encouraging your kids to explore new recipes, enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables, and consume sugar and fats in smaller amounts is crucial in the fight against childhood obesity.


Promoting healthy eating habits in children is both rewarding and essential for their overall well-being. By following these tips from Woodburn Pediatric Clinic, you can help your child make the right food choices and prevent childhood obesity, setting them on the path to a healthier future.


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